Magic Of Words: All Chapters Summary
Read All the chapter of Magic of Words Summary. Here are the all summary listed on well defined manner as the chapters are listed in books:
Unit 1: Stories of The Supernatural
- The Recurring Dream: A Story from England
- The Lost Doll: Story from Columbia
- The House Call: Story from Germany
- Fear: Story from Mexico
- The Loving Mother: Story from Japan
Unit 2: Men, Women, and Childrem
- My Heart Leaps up when I Behold: William Wordsworth
- Speaking of Children: Barbara Holland
- Look at a Teacup: Patricia Hampl
- A Worn Path: Eudara Welty
- The Three-Day Blow: Ernest Hemingway
Unit 3: Ecology and Environment
- The Poplar Field: W. Cowper
- The Nightmare Life without Fuel: Isaac Asimov
- Unchopping a Tree: W.S. Merwin
- Keeping Things Whole: Mark Strand
Unit 4 Humour
Unit 5: Identify, Gender and Ethnicity
Unit 6: Life and Death
- The Six Million Dollar Man: Harold J. Morowitz
- On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness: Arthur Guiteman
- In Bed: Joan Didion
- The Gardener: Rudyard Kipling