Summary of The Three Day Blow | Magic of Words | Garde XI

Summary of The Three Day Blow

“The Three Day Blow” is a Dramatic story that presents ys a conversation between two young boys Nick and Bill. They talk about different subject matters like baseball player writers, own fathers and nick’s girlfriend. This story is an analogy between the three-day blow and the mental suffering of nick. In both situations, movement starts from conflicts, raises into suffering and separation and reconciliation at the end.

The rain has just stopped. Nick is going to meet Bill. The autumn wind is blowing. Trees are bare because of three days’ blow. Nick reaches the top of the hill, near to the cottage. Bill welcomes Nick at the cottage. At the exposition, they stand outside the cottage and observe woods, orchards, low lands and lake below the cottage. They go inside and stay around the fireplace. Bill fills the glasses with whiskey. Bill gives thick woolen socks to Nick. Now they talk about the baseball players. They say that McGraw buys the best players so Cards never wins the game. They added more whiskey and water.

Nick says that the best time of the year in the village and wishes to be the city to see the World Series. They talk about the classical writers Walpole and Chesterton. They have read Richard Feverel, Forest Lovers, Fortitude and The Dark Forest. Nick and Bill both with the presence of both writers for fishing. After this, they start talking about their fathers. Bill says his father allows him to drink only from the opened bottle so he won’t be a drunkard. Nick’s father does not drink. Both of their fathers are good and had done labor in their time.

The fire is dying down. Nick goes out and brings logs to prove that he is not drunk. He knocks a pan and its apricots scatter on the floor. Bill has saved these logs for bad weather. Nick asks to add more liquor. Bill brings Scotch whiskey. Nick goes to the kitchen to bring water and finds his face strange in the mirror.  After this Nick and Bill involve in a long discussion about Marjorie, Nick’s girlfriend.

For Bill, Nick has done well by leaving her. Marriage is a burden for Bill. He says that if Nick has married her, he has to invite his relatives in his house and has to go to his mother-in-law’s house and has to go to his mother-in-law’s house frequently. He has to earn money. If he has got married, they wouldn’t be there drinking whiskey, Nick accepts that married person and ruined. But still, he realizes that he has lost everything after being separated from Marjorie.

He might never see her again. Everything is over now. Just like a three-day blow come suddenly and rip all the leaves off the trees, separation appeared at once in their life. They had planned to visit Italy together and have fun. Now everything has ended. Bill says her mother is sore hell, has informed all that they were engaged. Nick says that they were not engaged but going to marry.

Bill warns him that he might think about her later. But the possibility is still there for Nick. Nick may go town Saturday and meet Marjorie there. Today is Thursday. He thinks that nothing is finished, nothing is ever lost. He feels lighter and happy.

They step out of the house for hunting by talking guns. Hunting is not important for Nick. He is still hopeful to get Marjorie in the town. He thinks that it is a good thing to be hopeful for a happy future. The weather outside resembles with the conflicting situation of Nick.

A three-day blow has created a hopeless situation in natural life. After a three days blows, there is the hope of sunlight and regeneration, similarly, nick is hopeful to reunite with his girlfriend Marjorie. In coming Saturday he’ll go to the city, pass night and meet Marjorie.

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