Summary of Malini | Magic of Words | Grade XI

Summary of Malini: Rabindranath Tagore

Characterization of Malini:

“Malini” is a poetic play of love and hatred. It presents the conflict between Hinduism and Buddhism. Love, truth, and peace are a major aspect of this play for spiritual pleasure. But sometimes petty selfishness takes the name of love and becomes a matter of hatred.

Malini is the princess of Kashi, the symbol of love, truth, and non-violence. She is taught by a Buddhist monk. So, she lives very some life in spite of having material prosperity (richness) in the palace. She does not follow traditional old religion. It is based on the gods of books. She always supports truth and speaks against falsehood.

When the king and princess become ready to banish her, she is not worried at all. She desires self banishment to free herself from the royal boundary. She herself goes among the people and tries to feel the misery of a society. She is not satisfied with the comfort and pleasure of the palace. She wants to link the palace to the common people. So, she invites Brahmins in her house.

Malini is unknown to the poverty, and suffering of the outer world. To know the bitter reality, she changes herself into a simple village girl, goes to the people and vows to help them. Malini is like a light to spread the message of humanity and truth. So, her mother calls her ‘a pure flame of fire’. Brahmins call her ‘the mother of the world’. She wants to lead them to the pathless sea of life, where they are equality, love, and humanity.

Malini requests the king to forgive Kemankar. She knows that he is treason but for Malini forgiving si divine virtue of man. Kemankar kills Supriya, who is near and dear to Malini. Still, Malini requests the king to excuse him. It shows that Malini is a girl of divine knowledge. She is a guide of all on the path of truth, humanity, virtue, and non-violence.

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