Alphabetical Order:
1. Put the following words in correct alphabetical order:
a. Gesture, gaseous, garret, gown, geese
Ans: Garret, gaseous, geese, gesture, gown
b. priest, persist, plus, pneumonia, pad, pod.
Ans: pas, persist, pneumonia, pod, priest
c. badge, bang, barber, banner, bacteria, bail
Ans: bacteria, badge, bail, bang, banner, barber
d. decent, decant, decay, debris, debrief, decamp
Ans: debrief, debris, decamp, decant, decay, decent
e. context, contrary, contest, contaminate, contrast, continue
Ans: contaminate, contest, context, continue, contrary, contrast
f. contact, content, context, continent, continue
Ans: contact, content, contest, context, continent, continue
g. duly, dissect, downtown, diagram, dazzle, departure
Ans: dazzle, departure, diagram, dissect, downtown, duty
h. Satire, Saturday, Saturn, sarcasm, surreal, socket
Ans: Sarcasm, Satire, Saturday, Saturn, Socket, Surreal
i. examination, exemplary, exception, exertive, exciting, exhorted
Ans: examination, exception, exciting, exemplary, exertive, exhorted
j. mechanical, mixer, mortal, manner, mute, mathematics
Ans: manner, mathematics, mechanical, mixer, mortal, mute
k. monument, machine, major, most, much, mist
Ans: machine, major, mist, monument, most, much
l. singe, sour, sugar, sharp, sale, seek
Ans: sale, seek, sharp, singe, sour, sugar
m. Partial, Parthian, partisan, partner, partake, particular
Ans: partake, Parthian, partial, particular, partisan, partner
n. legitimate, legging, leghorn, leggy, legion, leger
Ans: leger, legging, leggy, leghorn, legion, legitimate
o. die, doe, durable, drive, dare, deer
Ans: dare, deer, die, doe, drive, durable
p. pigment, pigmy, piglet, piggery, piggy, pigiron
Ans: piggery, piggy, pigiron, pigment, pigmy
q. sandstone, sandpit, sandman, sandpaper, sandtop, Sandstrom
Ans: sandman, sandpaper, sandpit, sandstone, Sandstrom, sandtop
r. eerie, edit, effect, edify, eel, edgy
Ans: edgy, edify, edit, eel, eerie, effect
s. cereal, celery, cease, cerise, celsius, cello
Ans: celery, cello, celsius, cereal, cerise, cease
t. adopt, adjust, adroit, adieu, add, adult
Ans: add, adieu, adjust, adopt, adroit, adult
u. enact, encourage, enclose, encyclopedia, enable, encroach.
Ans: enable, enact, enclose, encourage, encroach, encyclopedia
v. pee, peck, penalty, pelmet, penetrate, penance
Ans: peck, pee, pelmet, penalty, penance, penetrate
w. decent, decant, decay, decamp, debris, debrief
Ans: debrief, debris, decamp, decant, decay, decent
x. tendon, tentacle, tenacity, tender, tension, tenant
Ans: tenacity, tenant, tender, tendon, tension, tentacle
y. concert, conceit, conclave, concerto, concur, concept
Ans: conceit, concept, concert, concerto, conclave, concur
z. anecdote, anchovy, android, anchor, ancillary, ancestral
Ans: ancestral, anchor, ancillary, android, anecdote.
aa. Demand, Dictate, Design, Draft, Dwell, Donate
Ans: Demand, Denote, Design, Draft, Dwell
bb. estate, eternity, establish, essay, estimate, essential
Ans: Essay, essential, establish, estate, estimate, eternity
cc. negotiate, noble, nature, nursery, nymph, native
Ans: native, nature, negotiate, noble, nursery, nymph
dd. quarter, queue, quote, queen, quart, quit
Ans: quart, quarter, queen, queue, quit, quote
ee. posture, pure, pine, piety, pearl, pave
Ans: pave, pearl, piety, pine, posture, pure
ff. malpractice, malfunction, malignant, malformation, malinger, malnutrition
Ans: malformation, malfunction, malignant, malinger, malnutrition, malpractice
gg. photo, photograph, photographer, photogenic, photosynthesis, photographed
Ans: photo, photogenic, photograph, photographed, photographer, photosynthesis
hh. Choir, Choice, Chocolate, Cholera, Chock, Chop
Ans: Chock, Chocolate, Choice, Choir, Cholera, Chop
ii. Neutralize, Notorious, Narcoti, nemesis, Nebula, Neutral
Ans: Narcotic, Nebula, nemesis, Neutral, Neutralize, Notorious
jj. Schnook, Scheme, Schnoore, Schism, Schlep, Schist
Ans: Scheme, Schism, Schist, Schlep, Schnook, Schnoore
kk. public, punish, plural, plumber, pun, push.
Ans: plumber, plural, public, pun, punish, push,
ll. Sit, Swear, Shower, Suit, Sat, Swim
Ans: Sat, Shower, Sit, Suit, Swear, Swim
mm. Allude, aloof, alloy, allocate, allusion, alarm
Ans: Alarm, allocate, alloy, allude, allusion, aloof
nn. Complete the following by writing an appropriate letter in each space:
a. ‘Choice’ comes before ‘choose’ because …… comes before ….. in the alphabet.
Ans: ‘Choice’ comes before ‘choose’ because ‘i’ comes before ‘o’ in the alphabet.
b. ‘Difference’ comes before ‘different’ because …… comes before ….. in the alphabet.
Ans: ‘Difference’ comes before ‘different’ because ‘c’ comes before ‘t in the alphabet.
c. ‘Disappear’ comes before ‘disappoint’ because …… comes before ….. in the alphabet.
Ans: ‘Disappear’ comes before ‘disappoint’ because ‘e comes before o in the alphabet.
d. ‘Examination’ comes before ‘Examine’ because …… comes before ….. in the alphabet. Ans:’Examination’ comes before ‘Examine’ because a comes before e in the alphabet.
e. ‘Mainly’ comes before ‘many’ because …… comes before ….. in the alphabet.
Ans: ‘Mainly’ comes before ‘many’ because I come before n in the alphabet.
i. ‘Crucial’ comes before crucible because …… comes before ….. in the alphabet.
Ans: ‘Crucial’ comes before crucible because ‘a’ comes before ‘b’ in the alphabet.
ii. ‘Viscose’ comes before ‘viscous’ because ……. comes before ….. in the alphabet.
Ans: ‘Viscose’ comes before ‘viscous’ because ‘s’ comes before ‘u’ in the alphabet.