British Wellcome Scholarships 2024-2025

British Wellcome Scholarships 2024-2025 of £120,000 Worth of Free Degree in UK: If your dream was to work for a British educational institution or to study there for free, I can help. The British (UK) Wellcome Scholarships, fellowships, and jobs for the class of 2024–2025 are now accepting online applications from international candidates who want to study or work there for nothing.

Issue of UK Work Permits and Study Visas

There will be a cap on the number of hours you can work per week on jobs with your British Study/Work VISA if you are successful in receiving a UK Wellcome Award and enter the country for additional education.

If Wellcome will cover your salary as part of the grant, you can use your British fellowship money to cover the cost of your UK visa to help you accept the position at your host organization. You can also use them for the following things:

  • Costs of the immigration health surcharge.
  • Costs directly related that are necessary, such transportation to appointments at an embassy or center for visa applications.
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Wellcome Scholarship Sponsorship in the UK

If you don’t want to use them part-time, these British Wellcome fellowships, jobs, and scholarships are available for 30 months. The first 12 months should be used to complete a taught Master of Science (MSc) course at a renowned center of excellence anywhere in the world, and the final 18 months should be used to complete a research project at a qualified organization in a low- or middle-income nation.

The £120,000 Wellcome Scholarship Prize supports:

You can utilize £16,000 per year (outside of London) or £18,000 per year (in London) to pay for your stipend if your taught course or training is taking place in the UK. You should ask your potential training company about living expenses if your course or training is taking place outside of the UK.

  • Travel expenses (eg outward and return airfares)
  • Authorized tuition costs, calculated in accordance with the training institution’s rates

You may use up to £1,000 to cover these expenses if you must relocate to begin working for your host company.
Pay during the master’s degree:

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You are only eligible for one salary. Your host company might utilize the money you already get to pay the individual who takes your position if you do. Over the full 30 months of the award, they will cover the entire cost of your wage. You should request that your host company determine your wage. It should include the following and reflect the knowledge, abilities, and experience required to perform the role:

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Your hourly wage

  • the contributions made by the employer, including any regulatory requirements (such as National Insurance contributions if you’re under
  • based in the UK) and the price of the pension plan
  • Any gradation in pay that occurs gradually
  • allowances that are well-known regionally, like the London allowance.
  • While your salary should automatically increase starting in Year 2 based on our current inflation allowance rates, for Year 1 you should include any known pay awards for this time or an assumed percentage
  • comparable to our current inflation rate of 2.0% if this has not been confirmed.

Eligibility to Request Wellcome Scholarships

You can obtain a British Wellcome Scholarship and also Fellowship if:

  • you’re a national of a reduced- or middle-income country
  • you have high scholastic qualifications
  • you are fluent in the English language
  • you are a righteous resident of your nation
  • you can make an assurance on returning to your residence country after completing your education and learning in the UK
  • your suggested study focuses on a health and wellness top priority in a reduced- or middle-income
  • country you have sponsorship from an eligible host organization in a reduced- or middle-income nation in addition to mainland China.

You must:

hold a medical or non-clinical bachelor’s degree in a relevant topic
be at a beginning in your job with restricted study experience (yet you have to have shown interest in, or ability for, study).

Availability of British Wellcome Grants in 2023

Please take into account any of the following British academic funding options if you are interested in applying for an academic award in the UK in 2023:

How Should I Write My Research Request for a UK Wellcome Grant?

Your study project ought to fall under our purview of science and center on a problem of public health in a low- or middle-income nation. When evaluating your application, they’ll take into account the:

  • the excellence and significance of your research question (s)
  • the viability of your plan to solve these issues
  • appropriateness of the research environments you choose
  • The taught Master of Science (MSc) course you choose should be appropriate for you and provide you with training that will support your research project. It should be offered at a center of excellence that has a reputation for excellence.

How can you apply for a UK Wellcome Scholarship?

Make sure your application is competitive by doing this check. Before applying, please read the information in the ‘Eligibility and eligibility’ section above.

They advise you to talk to your sponsor and research supervisor about your application. They will advise you regarding the significance and intellectual caliber of your project. Also, they’ll assist you in determining when you should submit an application.

Also, they advise you to get in touch with the research office of your host company as soon as possible after submitting your application. They ought to be able to offer you guidance on:

  • how to format your application, taking the budget into account
  • What evidence is required to support your assertion that it will take your host organization a certain amount of time to approve your application after you submit it?
  • Below is a link to the Wellcome Grant application form for the UK.

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