Essay on Social Media


Social media has been gaining immense popularity in today’s online space. One way or other people are connected with social media. Due to growth in its use, it has taken a valuable space in one’s life, either in a good or bad way. For many of them it has become a boon and for some curses. Social media has both good and bad aspects of society.

As the use of social media is increasing day by day both good and bad aspects are increasing. Let’s start with good ones. Online social networks are being used in various educational institutions for distant learning and conducting online classes whenever conducting physical classes are not possible. Also, it has enabled a way for researchers from different places to collaborate.

One of the main advantages of social media is connectivity. We have the chance to connect with others and share information through social media. It has enabled us to be connected together from anywhere. It has grown to be one of the best mediums for communication.

Easy accessibility to the news. Information related to news events, weather information, etc. can be shared easily and anyone can get access to it easily. Also, we have a medium to share anything easily which makes us reach to our audience if we are in marketing or other similar fields. 

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With great benefits comes great responsibilities. Due to mishandling of those responsibilities we may get into serious trouble. If we ever come to share our personal documents or information by accident it may create privacy problems for us. This may cause mental disorders and even depression.

Social media addiction is another serious problem. With more and more addictive contents in social media platforms, it is changing lifestyle habits and causing sleep disruptions. The light emitted from mobile phones and computers has been proven to negatively affect the ability to get proper sleep.

With the proper use of social media, we can have more benefits for self-development. Social media should not be made part of life. It may create various problems. Technology is meant to be used responsibly and used for the betterment of humanity, so does social media is meant to be. 

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