Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA

Company Details

Company Name: Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA

Industry: Utilities
Company size: 5,001-10,000 employees Includes members with current employer listed as Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA, including part-time roles.
Headquarters: Dubai, Dubai
Founded: 1992
Electricity, Water, Generation, Transmission, distribution, Dubai, Utilities, and Sustainability


As a framework for all of its government excellence initiatives, DEWA works within the three primary themes of the fourth generation of government excellence system. To further improve our performance, efficiency, and services locally, regionally, and worldwide, we incorporate innovative excellence, creativity, and pioneering practices into our daily operations.

Over 11,000 people work for DEWA, which oversees the full supply chain for power and water, from generation to transmission to customer delivery. The goal of DEWA is to develop into a leading global utility.

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